Planning For Digital Assets After Death

Recently, I wrote about my brother’s passing and factors related to processing death of a sibling as an adult. As my sister and I were discussing the article, the topics of what happens to accrued points and miles upon death as well as other digital accounts such as Facebook and Twitter came up. Since I had no knowledge in this…

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Veteran Presence in Charleston, South Carolina

According to the U.S. census, with a time frame of 2011 to 2015, there are 9,124 veterans living in Charleston City  and 29,554 veterans living in Charleston County. According to another source,  from Data USA, of the 21,812 veterans living in Charleston County, the numbers break down as follows: WW II (665) (3%) Korea (2087) (10%) Vietnam  (11348) (52%) Gulf (1990(s))…

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Bereaving Adult Loss of a Sibling

On February 3rd, I received an End of mail forwarding service notification from the USPS. At first I didn’t read it because I assumed it concerned my recent move in October. But the notification concerned another event. I had set up the mail forwarding for my brother. Last March, Brian passed away in an isolated living arrangement in Washington. He…

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